Two Sisters Bows created basic hair bows to be perky, stylish, durable and darling. With a spectacular assortment of sizes and colors, you'll think you've hit the motherload. All of our bow sizes are available as basic bows. Our crystal and hand painted bows are available in MED, LG and XL.
(Beware...the hand painted and crystal bling are extremely addictive...that is, if you can't get enough of the double or solids too!)

Extra Small (XS) - made with 5/8" width ribbon and measures 2" across
Not only are these the perfect size for tiny beginners, our XS bows can also hold back unruly bangs and be very inticing to our "tom-boy" fans.
Small (SM) - made with 7/8" width ribbon and measures 3" across
This size is the step up from an XS and ideal for that in-between size that's not quite ready for a bigger bow. The age range for SM usually begins around 12-18 months old.
Medium (MED) - made with 1.5" width ribbon and measures 4" - 4 1/2" across.
Our MED is worn by all ages and can be attached to an infant headband if you choose an alligator clippie (super cute worn with her hair pulled back on the side). These are perfect for that 'catch her and clip it in her hair' age! Our MED is the smallest size offered for crystals and hand painting due to size restraints on smaller bows. This size is a little wider than the palm of your hand.
Large (LG) - made with 2.25" width ribbon and measures 5 1/2" - 6" across
Most little girls start wearing our LG bows at around 2 years old. It all depends on how big you like her bows to be, how much hair she has and how long her hair is). If her hair is just starting to fill in, try pulling it all back in a big pony tail. Our LG bows are also adorable on an alligator clippie and just slipped in on the side at her temple. This is ultimately the perfect bow size - not too big and not too small - and it's around the length of your hand from your wrist to the tip of your finger.
Extra Large (XL) - made with 3" width ribbon and measures 7 1/2" - 8" across
3-4 years and up is the most popular age range for this size simply because it's about the same size as her head. But according to popular belief...the bigger the better, right? ;) Our XL is the ideal size to show off crystals and/or hand painting. This size is wider than the LG by around an inch on each side.
Alligator Clippie:

French Barrette:

**Click below for more information about...
Grosgrain Ribbon Color Chart
Crystal Colors
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